Yesterday was a long, long day. I woke up very early so I could get all my visa nonsense for London. That was easy. As I wandered around SoHo looking for a subway to go to work, the idea that I would see some of the cast of Harry Potter hit me. I had to find shade and read a chapter of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which was conveniently in my bag at the time. Perhaps it was because I was sweating too much and needed to cool down, but I like to think I was too overwhelmed.
I stayed late at work, to earn a little more money, to eat free pizza with the staff, and because I had nothing else to do. On my way to meet everyone at The Museum of Natural History, I accidentally went 5 stops too far because I was engrossed in HP7, again. Oh well.
This is us hanging out, waiting. |
I arrived at the museum a little late, changed, and hung out while we waited for everyone to get there. The movie ran late, so me, Megan, my grandmother, and my grandfather (the architect behind bringing me) hung out outside. There were two groups of onlookers, mostly girls, that got to see only two celebs (the HP stars went in through the back). Joey from N*Sync showed up, as did Melissa Joan Hart. Curious guest list, Harry Potter. Very curious...
Once everyone arrived, I made a b-line straight for the candy bar (A CANDY BAR!). Then the Hogwarts cake, which by the way was smoking. See below:
After that, I spotted a photo booth. A HARRY POTTER PHOTO BOOTH. Literally, my two favorite things. So I basically dragged Megan to go with me. They had props, and made us look like the poster. I wish I did it by myself and was seriously, like the posters, but it was still really fun and cool!!!
How it was set up was there was an upper level, with couches and a harry potter video game in a corner, and the dj. then on the lower floor was the food, bar, couches, etc. It was super swank, with black curtains blacking out all the exhibits.
This is the party. In the whale room. Two floors of awesome. |
When I decided to wander around, Megan found Ron. Right away. And she couldn't look away. But I preferred Neville, and my amazing grandmother was bold enough to push her way to the front to get a picture. Unfortunately for us, she doesnt know how to work a camera. So, heartbreaking as it is, the pictures are blurry. I did the best I could to save them. I did. And it still is amazing.
I wandered around a lot by myself, hanging out upstairs watching the party. The DJ was actually very good, and it was a lot of fun! I watched Emma Watson dance with her friends. But I was way too mortified to talk to her. She was just as beautiful in person as I imagined, and seeing her was great! On the way out, I spotted Alan Rickman!!!!! aka Snape. It was really really awesome. He looked so cool. And he had grey hair. That was weird.
My grandparents leaving, in the hallway. The museum went all out |